Friday, 29 July 2016


Over the next few weeks - we'll be looking at pests. Here's a quick round up of our first discussion. Can you think of any other pests? How do you deal with pests at your house?

A pest is an animal that ruins the environment
Usually small mammals, rodents (Alex)
Eat native plants (Michael)
Annoying (Josiah)
Steal food (Connor)
Invade garden or other spaces (Antonia)
Scratch trees (Nestor)
Spread diseases (Josiah)

Some examples of pests we know are: Rudd (fish), Possum, Rats, Maggots, Mice, Slugs + Snails, Flies + Mosquitoes, Ants + beetles, Birds, Hedgehog

Bake Sale

Dear Year 3/4 Children,

Rooms 22 and 23 will be hosting a bake sale on Friday the 5th of August.We will be raising money for the refugees who have fled their homes because of war and left everything behind to come to Wellington to live in a safe environment.We realise that the Year 3/4 students missed out on the last bake sale so we wanted to host one for them. We know that there are some students with allergies so we will label all our baking carefully.  We are also thinking that students with allergies could come first so that they can find something that suits them to eat?We will get back to you about a suitable time but we were thinking  we would do it during between around 12 and 12:30 and each class could come separately.  Ms Karena and Ms Campbell will be supervising so you could just send the children who have bought money and we can look after them.We are planning to send notes to families on Monday. We were thinking that the students could keep their money in their bags until the bake sale but if you have another idea you could do that instead.Everything sold at the bake sale will be $2 or $1.

Kind regards,Rooms 22 and 23

Tuesday, 5 July 2016


We've been learning about measurement in class lately. If you'd like to practise a few of those skills (or maybe learn a new one) click on the link below and find a game to play.

Monday, 4 July 2016


Congratulations to Miles, Lincoln, Nestor and Emily. They all received a principals certificate today. Well done!

Shared Lunch

This Friday we're going to have a special afternoon to celebrate all our achievements and hard work over the term. We will have a shared lunch and then watch a movie related to our inquiry.  We would really appreciate it if everybody could bring something to share with the class.

** Because it's our last week - we won't have our normal spelling words this week. We'll have a special spelling test with lots of words instead.

Zealandia Trip - Recount and Pictures

I looked at the big white building and the fence that wound through the trees. I could see tons of birds, a few of them I recognised but they were only the common ones. The rain splashed across my face. I was at Zealandia! As I walked through the revolving doors I saw a touch screen tv!                                                  

As we walked through the big steel gate we were told to stand in a line beside the grass. A few seconds later a woman came out with a narrow white box. Inside was a old green scaly creature, a tuatara.As I touched his soft moist skin I heard a kaka.We went out to the forest after a long lecture about keeping our selfs safe. At the end of the day we all got a card my one was a big brown robbin.

By Michael

Friday, 1 July 2016

100 club

Here are our new members of the 100 club. They've practiced their basic facts at home and at school and can now answer over 100 questions in under six minutes. Well done boys!

Swimming Sports

We went swimming yesterday. We won lots of races. We had our swimming sports at the Karori Swimming Pool. It was very tiring. Our legs got very sore because we had to do lots of racing.

Here are some of our photos. By Emily B, Charlotte and Antonia.