Thursday, 26 February 2015

Spelling homework

What's it all about?

Spelling homework is written in every Monday. We test each other every Friday. 

There are ten words learnt each week. Five of these words come from the essential spelling list. The essential spelling list is made up from the words most commonly used in our writing. A copy of those lists (incase you're interested) can be found here:

The other five words come from our sound of the week. Each week we'll have a different sound (or spelling pattern that makes a particular sound).

Later in the year we will start to learn words that are specific to the topic we're learning about.

Please don't worry if the spelling words seem too easy - the children will learn more difficult words during the year (up to a point - we won't be learning to spell words that the children would never use in their writing as these are likely to be forgotten just as quickly as they were learnt!).

If you'd like some fun ways to help your children learn their words check out the link below

1 comment:

  1. spelling is the the most important things in the grammar. it will improve the vacabularry of the person.
