Friday, 20 February 2015

Keeping Safe Online

This week we've been talking about internet safety in Room 12.

We've discussed how people can say things on the internet they often wouldn't say in person.

We also talked about how important it is not to give out our personal information and what we do if we are ever uncomfortable when we are on the internet.

The clip below (although it's aimed at the younger members of the school) talks about all these things. Perhaps you could have quick chat with your child and remind them how important it is to stay safe online.


  1. Great video - thanks for sharing - Miett Fear

  2. Thanks - I showed my Mum and brother. They thought it was a good video.

  3. Awesome.That is great so younger kids can learn from the video

  4. great video but don't give away your secret's i love the song

  5. i thought that was really cool! you should do another one like road safety or something like that
