Saturday, 30 May 2015


We have been looking at Matariki in class this week. 

We made notes of what we knew beforehand and then what we knew afterwards. The yellow paper shows what we have learnt.

We watched a video called the 'Seven Stars of Matariki' which tells a story about Matariki.

Next we wrote a report for our reflection journals about Matariki. This was an independent activity so we had to do this by ourselves - make sure you check them out when our reflection journals go home later this term!

Friday, 29 May 2015

The fire service

Next week we are focusing on how the fire service.

We will be looking at:

- What the fire service does
- How the fire service has changed over the years (with a focus on the different technologies it uses)

We would love it if you could have a go at:

Get out stay out - An escape plan game

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


This term our class is involved in something called quadblogging. Quadblogging is where four different classes, from different schools, team up together and look at each others blogs.

This means our work will be looked at (and commented on) by lots of different children.

It also means we get to see what other children around the country are up to in their classrooms.

There is one class in Waitangirua, another in Auckland and another in Greymouth.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Cross country

Tomorrow we have our cross country day so there are a couple of things that we need to remember:

- Our values of excellence and perseverance. This doesn't necessarily mean coming in first place - it does mean trying our best even when it is hard.

- Clothing: the ground is likely to be wet and slightly muddy in places. Please make sure your child has older clothes on and appropriate shoes.
- Sausage sizzle: Every child when they have finished receives a sausage. They have been asked to bring a gold coin on the day to help cover the cost of this.

- The race: The race itself takes place at Karori park. We'd love to see you there if you can make it. Year 3/4s will be racing at noon.

- After the race: If you'd like to take your child after the races have finished please make sure you notify myself and the office (a desk will be set up for this purpose).

Austin's butterfly

I should have shared this a long time ago but somebody reminded me of this in class last week. This video demonstrates the importance and potential of feedback and being reflective in learning. 

We actually used this exact lesson earlier in the year. We talked about how teamwork and being reflective helps us learn.

These were some of our results:

Monday, 25 May 2015

Inquiry - Technology & Change

Our inquiry this term will be focusing on technology and change. As a class we will be looking at emergency services.

We having been asking questions about things we might want to find out. Here are some of them below. Feel free to add your own.

Friday, 22 May 2015

What we've been up to lately

We went to Te Papa to look at technology and change.

We went to world of maths. There was lots of hands on, problem solving activities for us.

We have been using numicon to help us problem solve.

We have been learning about fractions. 

We have been trying to find equivalent fractions 

One of our reading groups made origami dogs after reading a story about paper planes. They researched and followed instructions by themselves.

We finished swimming lessons.

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Te papa trip

On Tuesday we went on a trip to Te Papa. We went through the Air New Zealand exhibit. It was really interesting. There was a virtual reality experience - this was very strange. There was also computers where you could design your own plane. Some of us tried on uniforms. We took pictures and have made a slideshow for you to watch.

Room12kns KNS's Slidely by Slidely Slideshow

Monday, 18 May 2015

Spelling sound of the week - ue

Each week we have ten spelling words. Five of these are based upon words words from the essential spelling list (commonly used and misspelled words). The other five come from a sound of the week. 

Most of our children should know these sounds so we will often cover a number of letter sounds during one week. 

Knowing these letter sounds helps our reading and writing. If you'd like to know more about the sound we are focusing on this week then have a watch of the video below. Although the video is meant for slightly younger children, it explains the sound really well.

Hannah's baby sister

Hi Room 12 - This is Hannah. This is me and my little sister Grace.

She is only one week old. I am eight years older than her. She cries sometimes and she gets very thirsty. I help mum look after her. 

Friday, 15 May 2015


Swimming has finished now. Every child has been graded by the swim instructors. A letter will be sent out on Monday explaining what group your child is in and how they can continue lessons if you wish.


Notebooks back today please. *Even if your child forgets their notebook - they will be sent a copy of the words and maths homework.


Trip to Te papa today. Please make sure your child has their lunch, a jacket, water bottle and suitable shoes.


Mr Mcintosh won't be in class today.


Cross country practice today.


Notebooks back again today please.

Principals Award

Well done to our award winners this week (and Chloe who is away)

A special visit

Sophie's Dad came into school last Friday. He came in to show the class something really exciting. He had Sophie's Great Grandad's ceremonial sword.

He told us the sword was blunt and it wasn't used for fighting. He laid it down on the table so we could see it up close. We noticed lots of special markings on the sword and the handle.

We asked lots of questions. 

We were really lucky!

Thursday, 14 May 2015

News Report

Here is our news report we've been making over the last few months. We worked together as a class to write the script, film the scenes and even edit some of the clips. We are very proud of it!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

More podcasts from the trenches


We have our assembly tomorrow at 11.30am. We are going to be sharing our very own Room 12 news report that we've made. We'd love you to come along - if you can't, check back here because Mr McIntosh will upload the video afterwards.

Also, some us will be receiving awards!

We hope to see you there!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Teachers of the week - Multiplication

This week our teachers of the week have decided to talk to you about multiplication. Well done guys!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Maths Challenge - Problem Solving

Have a go at this maths challenge. We completed a similar one together as a class today.

Think carefully about how you could solve this. You may need to experiment with different ways of recording your ideas. Some of you might like to try and solve this by drawing pictures, others might be able to use a table.

Click on the padlet below when you have an answer. Make sure you leave your name, an answer and maybe a sentence about how you solved the problem.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

WW1 Diary Entry

We have been learning about life in the trenches. We have written diary entries as if we were in the trenches. We have four podcasts here for you to listen to.

Friday, 1 May 2015

Reminders - Week 3


Notebooks back today please. *Even if your child forgets their notebook - they will be sent a copy of the words and maths homework.

Swimming today at 2pm. Feel free to come and watch if you'd like.


Library books back today.

Cross country practice today. Please make sure your child has suitable shoes.


Parent teacher meetings for Year 4s. Year 3 parents, we will have the opportunity to meet and discuss progress later in the year.


Cross country practice today.


Swimming today at 11am.

My Great Grandfather - Anna

This is my great grandfather. He was a very brave soldier. He was one of the lucky soldiers that didn't die in the war.

His name was James George Tandy. He lived to the age of ninety six. Sadly, he lost his leg from an explosion during World War 1. His leg was fixed in Oatlands Park Hospital. 

Written by Anna Tandy