Thursday, 7 May 2015

WW1 Diary Entry

We have been learning about life in the trenches. We have written diary entries as if we were in the trenches. We have four podcasts here for you to listen to.


  1. Good work Zach! That is all true. FROM ARCHIE

  2. I like the way you put yourself in the shoes of a soldier and explain the terrible experiences in the trenches. No wonder that the soldiers "just wanted to go home". Very good podcasts CC, Ollie, Zach and Anna! Juliane

  3. Dear Room 12,

    Wow - we think your blog is AMAZING! We listened to some of your podcasts and watched the video about division. We hope that some children from your class might be able to show us how to do this too!

    Keep up the great work!

    Room 13.
