Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Schools - Then and Now: Rules for teacher

When we were researching the differences between schools then and now we came across "rules for teachers".

We thought they were quite a bit silly:

- Teachers are not allowed out after 8pm
- They must not marry.
- Teachers must clean the chimneys once a week and scrub the floors with hot, soapy water.
- Teachers aren't allowed to go to a barber shop.
- They must not loiter ice cream parlours.
- Teachers must not wear bright, colourful clothes.
- Teachers aren't allowed to dye their hair.
- They must work 10 hours a day and then read good books.
- They weren't allowed to leave the city without permission.

Which is one worst? Which one is the silliest? What rules would you make up for your teacher?


  1. I think the worst is the cleaning the chimneys and cleaning the floor.

    1. I think the silliest is not going to the barber shop.

  2. I think the worst is cleaning the chimney, and I think the silliest is going to the barber shop.

  3. worst:work 10 hours a day and read good books

  4. worst:not marrying silliest:not allowed to leave the city without permission

  5. I think that the worst one is that teachers must clean the chimneys and scrub the floor. I think that the silliest one is that they can't leave the city without permission. I would make up a rule that teachers must always wear black and white clothes on a Friday. - Reilly
