Friday, 23 October 2015

Room 12 Stars

Who knew! We have our very own star actress in Room 12 - Check out Arabella in this advertisement for Wellington.

Questions for our mystery class

We have connected with another class from somewhere in the world as a part of the GRA (Global Read Aloud). They sent us a video asking us questions to try and guess where in the world we are.

We did the are our questions for our mystery class.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Year of Billy Miller - Introduction to Room 12

To all those children around the world participating in the Global Read Aloud...

Welcome to Room 12!

Can you guess where we are from?

We would love to hear from you!

Year of Billy Miller - Habitats

Billy chose to make his diorama of a bat habitat. If you had to make a diorama of a habitat, which would choose and what would you put in it?

Here's a screenshot of a padlet that another class has been using. Have a think about what you'd do and you can add yours to it at school tomorrow.

Chloe's trip and blog

Chloe has been on a really exciting trip around the world. She even made her own blog. She has uploaded pictures to show us what she did.

Check out her amazing adventure here:

Link to another padlet

This padlet has been created by a class in Canada. Click on the link to make a comment about "The Year of Billy Miller"

Year of Billy Miller

We are participating in the Global Read Aloud (GRA). Along with hundreds of thousands of other children around the world, we'll be reading "The Year of Billy Miller".

During the next six weeks we'll be trying to connect with different classes around the world using twitter, padlet, blogs and email.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Save the comma

We've been looking at how we use commas in class this week. We figured out that we use commas for lists. We also use them when adding extra information. Sometimes this 'extra information' is at the start of the sentence. It could also be in the middle of a sentence or at the end.

Here's an example:

The sailor, scared of the pirates, jumped into the sea.

Scared of the pirates, the sailor jumped into the sea.

The sailor jumped into the sea, scared of the pirates.

The extra information in these sentences is "scared of the pirates". We know it's extra information because the sentence makes sense if we take it out.

Here's a game that we played to help us know when to use commas.

*seems the game isn't working anymore - check back here soon

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Term 4

I hope you've all had a fantastic break! We have such a busy and exciting term ahead of us - here's a few things you need to know:

Gymnastics: We'll be heading off to gymnastics once a week. Our first session is on Monday (Yep - the first day back!). Please make sure you have suitable clothing and a raincoat if the weather isn't looking too flash.

Gala: Our school gala is on Saturday 16th October - write this one in your diary now! There's loads of exciting things going on - make sure you come along and join in the fun. Don't forget if you have a bottle to bring in or you can help in another way then contact myself or another member of staff quickly.

Athletics: Our athletics day is coming up very soon (end of October). We've been training hard for this already and will continue to practise every Monday. Make sure you bring suitable clothing for this.

Sunhats: Term 4 means warmer weather - it also means we need to be a bit more careful in the sun. This means wearing sun hats (and suncream if you have it) when we go outside. It also means that our sun hats must cover our necks and ears - please try and remember to bring one from home....if you forget Mr Mcintosh can lend you a school one to wear for the day.