Thursday, 8 October 2015

Term 4

I hope you've all had a fantastic break! We have such a busy and exciting term ahead of us - here's a few things you need to know:

Gymnastics: We'll be heading off to gymnastics once a week. Our first session is on Monday (Yep - the first day back!). Please make sure you have suitable clothing and a raincoat if the weather isn't looking too flash.

Gala: Our school gala is on Saturday 16th October - write this one in your diary now! There's loads of exciting things going on - make sure you come along and join in the fun. Don't forget if you have a bottle to bring in or you can help in another way then contact myself or another member of staff quickly.

Athletics: Our athletics day is coming up very soon (end of October). We've been training hard for this already and will continue to practise every Monday. Make sure you bring suitable clothing for this.

Sunhats: Term 4 means warmer weather - it also means we need to be a bit more careful in the sun. This means wearing sun hats (and suncream if you have it) when we go outside. It also means that our sun hats must cover our necks and ears - please try and remember to bring one from home....if you forget Mr Mcintosh can lend you a school one to wear for the day.

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