Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Homework - Term 2

Last term for homework we were exploring the relationships between numbers. More specifically, we were looking at a concept called reversibility which means we can change the order of an equation and still reach the same answer.

For example: 5 + 4 = 9    &    4 + 5 = 9

This term, we are going to be focusing on speed. I'll be sending home ten questions and the aim is answer them as fast as possible. If you have time, test yourself on some other questions. Use dice, cards, online maths games to help you get faster.

We test ourselves every Friday so it's important we are always practicing.

Although the focus is on speed, you will come across questions that are based upon:

- doubles
- halves
- number bonds to ten, twenty and one hundred
- multiplication and division

ALL the children have learnt basic strategies to solve multiplication now so nobody should find these questions too hard.

We will be continuing to learn spelling words each week too. We will include a mixture of topical words, words from the essential spelling list and also words that contain a particular spelling sound.

Please don't surprised if you see a word that you learnt in Term 1 - I see lots of words that we have already 'learnt' being spelt wrong in our writing.

Good luck!

*** Update - I am very sorry it appears that the spelling lists and some of the maths sheets were not handed out today (along with some of the passwords for the children). I'm not quite sure why some children received theirs and others didn't.

The rest are sitting in the classroom and will be given out tomorrow.

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