Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Something a bit different

I've decided to post something a bit different up this week. Below are four different websites that you might want to visit. They are all easy to use and might provide something different for you to do over the last few days of the holidays.

This is a 'game' and is all about colour perception. Click on the colour that is slightly different to the others - be careful though, it gets hard really quickly! I managed to get 24 points - how many can you get?

I noticed throughout the term that lots of children were taking books from the library that explained how things worked. This website does the same - except there are some small animations that help you. There's everything from jet planes to spiders.

Travel round the world (or pick a blank slate) and build with lego, but online. These involve 3D shapes - can you name any of them?

Storybird lets you create your very own story book. It has brilliant illustrations that you can use. It's free and something we might use as a class later on in the year.

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